New Year. Next level. Better you.

Geplaatst op 05-01-2021


New year. Next level. Better you.
Time to take a little rest and digest these crazy, but interesting and for a lot of folks, dire times.
When it's hard to keep your head up, your heart strong and stay motivated, reach out and look out for the good stuff.

The energy, vibe, passion, positivity and determination, radiating from a solid and healthy community, can be an inspiration to strive for and aspire to, in your own situation.

When the act of (rhythm) roller skating is not an option for whatever reasons or circumstances, then allow the elements of this vibrant and elevating subculture, to be an inspiration to act determined on those things, that move you in a state of blissfulness & gratification and mean the world to you.

May your journey be soulful in abundance & in good health!

On behalf of the Es Quint Community,
Brian B. Kanhai.

The Bfunkphenomenon, aka @quadsk8

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